The next generation of powerful and productive bowfishing bows from Muzzy Bowfishing
Founded on the backbone of a reduced-weight magnesium cast then machined riser, the VXM trims the weight from the previous models without the sacrifice to performance
Adjustable draw length and weight provide a wide range of flexibility for users of all sizes and experience levels
Utilizing Oneida’s established lever action technology, the Muzzy VXM introduces a durable bowfishing bow with a smooth draw and deep penetration. Its highly adjustable design is specially made to handle the demands of bowfishing in fresh and salt water environments.
The next generation of powerful and productive bowfishing bows from Muzzy Bowfishing
Founded on the backbone of a reduced-weight magnesium cast then machined riser, the VXM trims the weight from the previous models without the sacrifice to performance
Adjustable draw length and weight provide a wide range of flexibility for users of all sizes and experience levels
Utilizing Oneida’s established lever action technology, the Muzzy VXM introduces a durable bowfishing bow with a smooth draw and deep penetration. Its highly adjustable design is specially made to handle the demands of bowfishing in fresh and salt water environments.